
Three’s gain self confidence and independence as they learn to perform basic tasks, such as putting on their own coats and participating in weekly classroom chores. They are encouraged to develop social skills through group activities, discussions of feelings and role playing to learn how to treat one another.

Students are given ample time to hear stories and sing songs to develop language skills. They will develop motor skills as they play games outside, dance and complete art projects. Students will work on letter skills, such as identifying and tracing letters in their names and math skills through activities that involve counting to 10, identifying shapes and sorting objects. They enjoy predicting what will happen to different materials they test (water to ice, what floats or sinks, does it break or bounce?) and delight in finding out. 

We ask that you bring the following items to these classrooms:

  • At least 2-3 changes of clothes that are appropriate for the season

  • A sheet and blanket for naptime (cots are provided). These will be sent home each Friday for laundering

  • Sunscreen and bug spray for outdoor play in the spring and summer

  • A jacket for outside play in the fall and winter