NLC has two classrooms for two-year-olds: The Busy Bees and The Little Flyers. Classrooms are smaller than the toddler room and allow for 8 students in each room. Both lead teachers coordinate with one another to develop their weekly lesson plans based on fun themes, and the two classrooms share their own playground outside.
The Bees and the Flyers practice social skills through peer interaction, as well as develop positive self-esteem and a love for learning. Students will learn to make good choices following simple direction and using words to communicate.
Potty training typically begins in the two-year-old classrooms. Teachers talk with the parents and follow the same potty training methods that the parents follows at home, in order to ensure consistency.
Students in The Busy Bees and Little Flyers will need to bring in the following items:
2-3 changes of clothing, including at least 3 changes of undergarments if the child is potty training
diapers, pull-ups and wipes
Sheet and blanket for naptime (cots are provided). These will be sent home each Friday for laundering.
Sunscreen and bug spray for outdoor play in the spring and summer
Jacket for outdoor play in the fall and winter
Click here for the schedule of a typical Busy Bee’s day.
Click here for the schedule of a typical Little Flyer's day.